Mascot – a thing, an object that brings good luck, attracts money, or an amulet against bad luck. Magical action of an object depends on the type and faith in the miracle of its owner. Great importance has the energy of an object – you should have the support of an amulet, uploading what his desire to reach the goal. Most often choose the mascot for the money, trying to catch the luck by the tail with magic.

Many choose to amulets-intuitive – feeling with their binding energy. If you do not see anything suitable and don't catch the magical emanation of things – but. Cash mascot attracting wealth, you can buy or make yourself.
Case amulets-good luck charms are different, for example, in the form of a frog, or paunchy monk, or industrious bee, often with the image of the coins. The mascot can become all what you want: the first money earned by himself, the river of stone, brought from the holidays or a normal ball point pen. The prices depend on the quality of the material. If no, then you will need to do this if you are in crescent moon, asking several times mascot money multiply everything in cash, to come to you. Then place it in a visible place and reinforce your thoughts with faith in him.
The positive energy that emanates from your thoughts, will attract monetary well-being in your life. It is important in this represent the end result of their income. For example: wallet full of money. And remember it as often as possible. Tell others that this is not necessary, and then the mascot to attract money will run. His is sufficient to hold the personal items.
Ready figurines, suspension figurines and jewelry charms are very popular in feng shui. There is a whole industry dedicated to the attraction of money and the correct choice of the mascot.
Rabbit's foot – one of the most popular of magical objects, that is called money and wealth. The most valuable hind leg, that they take the animal, caught in the nights of the full moon to the cemetery.
The cash in the bag, sewn by only the red velvet. Inside are invested 9 hair with his head, and paper banknote (large), and tracking. Filling of the bag tied ribbon and can be worn hanging from the neck, or hidden in a bag. Considering that it is a very strong pet, and if to strengthen his action of planting a money tree, so that the wealth does not make you wait long.
How to make money mascot with your own hands?
First of all, the man must understand that the money that they love the movement. The collection of capital, and not to spend, giving to understand, that they do not need money, as they are dead and do not work. Because it depends on the parish you spent money refundable portion doubly. In addition to this awareness, there are tools that help you speed and overestimate the amount of monetary mass. Learn how to make money mascot with its hands, it has worked well and has contributed to the accumulation of wealth.
You will need to find a picture of the mascot of china, "5 goods" and for the drawing draw itself. For the amulet kept for a long time, use cardboard, and at the end open his paint. "5 goods" will not only contribute to an increase of wealth, but also to attract in your life, happiness, health, peace and longevity. In this same spirit works mascot "Nanbu", and the wearing of amulets goes into the bag, bag man or bag, that are always with you.
The easiest mascot to attract money: put in bag, mint leaf, when dry, change to a fresh. Tea bag of mint, the image of the vineyard sheet will also work. Attract the money will help, and the red sheet of paper on which I personally wrote "In my bag there are always the money". The money solicited to attract color red, buy a bag of this color. The size of the portfolio should correspond to the large banknotes, so that it is not twisted. * And for last, often regarded their money, and also this contributes to their improvement.
As cash mascot to put in the portfolio?
Draw the cash flow is not only possible with the hard work and work on three shifts, seven days a week. There are objects that literally attract cash, providing a constant flow. You just need to choose the talisman for money in your wallet, and keep it together with the invoices. However, before choosing, it is necessary to mercilessly throw away all the garbage that has accumulated in the offices of your bag: cheques, receipts, business cards and other pieces of paper, not having any relation to the bill.

The mascot, that you put in the bag, should pleasure and to arouse pleasant association. Do not use objects that something unpleasant or are not credible – in your case it simply does not work.
Very nice cash good luck charm for the portfolio – currency. For example, the paper dollar acts like a magnet thanks to mark deposited on its front side. Please note that it depicts the all-seeing eye very powerful magic symbol, which will attract the cash flow. And yet, you can use a normal large bill, smeared his honey and wrapped in cling film. His need to put it in a pocket inside the portfolio – it will work like a magnet. Her "attack" other money.
Coins – ideal for use as a bait for wealth. You can buy a normal money in the bank and carry in your bag – it's a good way to attract large-denomination notes.
They kept the first gained the ruble? In any case, don't waste it wasted, and save in a coin pocket will bring you luck and help you to attract the cash flow on the side of your bag.
Photos of case of talismans
Without a doubt, there are many skeptics that are frankly laugh above the ancient teachings, for example, feng-shui, which use a series of charms to attract, love, money. Of course, who all the day spent in the armchair in front of the tv – magic accessories, dead as a poultice. However, it is not rare, and the reverse situation – working man, as a draught horse, and the sound of the coin is not in delay. Here there is need of a picture of the mascot to attract money, according to feng shui, which is equivalent to the force of the magical accessory.
Description case of talismans
The first thing that comes to mind after the question, where are stored the money in the bag. Moreover, in addition to banknotes and coins, c' – business cards, credit cards, checks, and so on. All of this pushes the flow of money. So before facilitate this portfolio of useless things. And instead we put one, but effective magical accessory – picture of the mascot of wealth, which you can choose resources in the Network. As a magic magnet attracts the banknotes, you can use the photos of ancient chinese coins associated with red lace. If you do not want to mess with photos, can be worn in a small bag dried horseradish root, it is desirable, for him, has been cultivated personally.
Works perfectly, tested in practice, the draft law of the north american desired does not have a nominal value, usually in your wallet carry a piece of paper the green of a dollar or of his photos (photocopy). Here the important thing is that on the bill from the start, a powerful sacred symbol, to pull money – the all-seeing eye, located between the upper and the base of an egyptian pyramid. In reality, variants, images, talismans, contribute to financial growth, many. Important in this process – an implicit faith is on the brink of fanaticism in what is a priori to help you!
A good luck charm and money
Many people would like to know as talismans to attract luck, provide a concrete aid in a unwanted situation. As a fact in our world, the more great and magic power they have different breeds of stones. But to collect his version, you have to start your sign of the zodiac. So, to attract money, Aries, it's best to wear amethyst. Garnet and beryl – suited mascot for the Twins. Emerald preferred cancers, but Ruby choose your own host – fair Lions. Agate will bring good luck Taurus and Virgo must realize themselves amulet of cyanite or jasper. The balance, as the most cautious sign of the zodiac, they prefer to wear a mascot-diamond. Lapis lazuli, or turquoise – the stone vulnerable to Riflemen, but the Aquarium will be on luck need to talk to sapphire. Fish use the most powerful talisman – stone of the moon.

Do-luck, or for the collection of funds can be of these stones. However, it is possible to try and other talismans of good fortune and wealth. For example, a good option will become the guardian of four elements. For its production you need a ribbon of gold or magenta color, so with the help of natural fibres, they need to apply the embroidery. You should see all four symbols of the elements: the water, the wind, the moon and the sun. Embroider is necessary so that in the end proved to be a single image. Then the guardian need to sanctify these elements (to put under the rain and the wind, etc) and can be used.
There is a huge mass of amulets, bringing its owners wealth, money, luck, success and health. They are available in a variety of shapes and types: bracelets with symbolic pendants, ancient coins, pendants, precious metals, pearls, stone, etc., And it does not matter if you do it is the guardian themselves, receive as a gift or decide to buy an amulet in esoteric store. You need to know how to load cash mascot correctly, because only in the case of carrying out a magical ritual to all the rules and canons of decoration acquires sacral properties and absorbs the energy of a Higher power.
Only properly collected amulets will be effective. In reality there are a lot of ways to reload the mascot of professional witch. All of them have one thing in the rite must be carried out in the period of the new moon or the first day of the waxing of the Moon. In these days the satellite of the Earth promotes the activation of a Higher power, which in turn transmits its energy to the charm and amulets. Read the prayer is optional. Important, for his request was from a pure heart.
Talismans to attract money and luck can be useful as losers, who often has no luck in life, and the pets of Fortune, to be temporarily entered in "black" the bar of life. But for these amulets have helped to achieve success, you must all the time carry. If it is a large subject, which is inconvenient to carry with itself, it is necessary to provide him a place in an apartment or in the office. It all depends on whether you want to attract money and prosperity to your home or climbing the corporate ladder.
How to choose the mascot of luck?
More luck has need of each one. Business men need it, at the conclusion of profitable contracts, students during exam sessions, lovers – in a personal relationship, in search of a good job – in the interview with the employer. A bit of self-confidence can give a person any object or talisman, that is associated with luck.
Now to buy a good luck charm, but to choose for this you need to choose. Which shape and size will not matter, the main thing – that it must always be with you, and then the luck will not leave!
As a mascot you can use coins, pendants, bracelets, stones, rings, and more. etc.... They can be different, each of which is responsible for a certain sphere of life (love, money, travel, business, relationship, self-realization). For example, in the car, it can be kept for pets, and provides the chance to travel, which helps to avoid traffic congestion, not to get into a car ACCIDENT, always find a free place. In the wallet for luck can answer a specially prepared magical ritual currency, which attracts luck, wealth and prosperity.
The most frequently used are the mascot of fortune, the photos of which everyone knows from childhood, the iron horse, red fish, rabbit's foot, four leaf clover. This is the traditional symbols of good luck in every field, and they can do a good job and adult and a child.
If you can make a good luck charm with your own hands?
Esoteric amulets and occult charms are a type of energy security, aimed at the gradual blocking negative and destructive channels. Because of this, you open the flow of favourable energy, apparently in the personality of an individual. This allows you to normalize key aspects of life, to attract the financial well-being, and improve personal relationships.
To determine how to make a good luck charm, it is necessary to identify a series of actions, magical object. There are totems, runes, astrological and talismanic protective, characterized by a powerful energy of creation. For the creation of the mascot manually you need to purchase the ritual attributes, and also to choose a most favorable place for magic. This should be in the ambush, located on the east side.

Simple a lucky charm with your own hands can be performed with the use of coins, which must be found. In the zero-day of the moon, you need to put the find on the table and draw on the back, four-equivalent of a segment, a symbol of the natural elements. After the reading of this plot: "the Four forces, I will protect, luck and wealth to me attract the Vortexes of the air of negativity will make, water and earth for the love of my riva to kill you. Yes, it is.". Esoteric in the house the mascot should be carefully conceal and carry with him.